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Huttoft Primary School


What do we wish for the children at Huttoft Primary & Nursery School?

Our curriculum is designed for our children, meeting their educational needs, in the context of our school’s geographical position. This is our primary focus.

In a 2019 Parliamentary Select Committee on Regenerating Seaside Towns and Communities: The future of seaside towns discussed:

“A common thread in the evidence around the difficulties in accessing educational institutions was the resultant low aspiration amongst young people. Lincolnshire County Council argued that the time and expense it took young people to access FE and sixth form colleges had an impact on aspiration. The Council stated: “For some this means undertaking long or complex journeys to get there and back, whilst for others it means compromising on the course topics they take. This dampens young people’s aspirations and curtails their opportunities.”

Many witnesses also connected the lack of employment opportunities in coastal areas with low aspiration levels. Blackpool Council observed that: “The nature of jobs available locally tends to suppress the understanding that education is important to accessing career-orientated jobs. There was broad agreement that low aspiration levels were contributing to reduced social mobility and low work expectations, something that East Lindsey District Council labelled as an “aspirational ceiling” in coastal areas.’”

And further:

“Limited access to education, in particular to FE and HE institutions, is severely curtailing opportunities and denting aspirations for young people in some coastal areas.” 4 April 2019 - HL Paper 320  (A link to this chapter can be found here. )

Our school values, mould and scaffold the aspirations we have for our children. In Ambition, Individuality and Resilience we engender values not only for a child’s day to day school life, but for their whole life.

We want our children to be ambitious and to look for opportunities in the wider world; to do that they have to act with an individual focus or goal in mind. They may fail from time to time but they must keep trying to achieve the goals we set in school and they will have set in life.

We want to give our children a wealth of experiences, knowledge and skills to enable them to problem solve and make sense of the world around them. We aim to instil confidence and resilience in our children to allow them to grow as well rounded individuals. We want ALL children to know that at Huttoft Primary & Nursery School we believe every child deserves a foundation for their dreams; ensuring they are exposed to opportunities that are worthy of their promise, enabling them to discover the wider world for themselves in the knowledge there are limitless possibilities.

It is our job, through our curriculum, and our school ethos and values, to give our children an understanding of the wider world; one without limits or boundaries. We must open their eyes and minds to our world and beyond, broadening their horizons and enabling them to discovery.  In doing so we will create an aspirational, outward facing child that will have a choice as to which pathway they choose, being aware of every possibility. 

Our children will leave Huttoft:
  • equipped with tolerance, respect and friendship ensuring they know how to contribute to society throughout life
  • with the skills to build and maintain relationships and friendships
  • being individuals that recognise their own and others’ successes
  • able to understand and make positive choices
  • with knowledge of how to keep themselves happy, healthy and safe
  • with the desire to develop their own leadership opportunities, strength of character and self-confidence
  • with aspirations to embark on a career or vocation within or beyond our local environment
  • with the resilience and cultural capital to take on the next part of their educational journey
  • being well-rounded individuals with a secure understanding of how to make a positive contribution in a diverse society
  • foster a strength of character and resilience that will help pupils to cope with the choices and overcome the challenges they are likely to encounter in life

If you have any questions about our curriculum please Contact Us and our Deputy Headteacher & Curriculum Lead will respond.

Curriculum Statement

A proud member of Horncastle Educational Trust